Noeud: command dyalog, Noeud « Next »: , Noeud « Previous »: command dyacc, Noeud « Up »: Using DyALog


To use DyALog, issue the shell command:

     % dyalog -a [options | files]
where the possible options are

Version information
-f filename
Load the program file filename. -f may be ommited when filename does not start with `-'.
-I path
Add path to the search path list of DyALog. The same effect can be achieved using the environment variable DYALOG_PGMPATH.
Compile grammar rules considering a parsing done from a database of tokens.
-use filename
Add filename to the list of modules to be imported. The same effect can be achieved using a directive require/1.
-res filename
Extend the compiler by loading the resource file filename. The same effect can be achieved using a directive resource/1.

The command dyalog also inherits all options available to DyAlog executables: they should take place before -a.